The corona situation is hard for everyone, but we know that people selling sex are in a particularly difficult situation now. If you are a sex worker who is now in a situation where you cannot afford to pay for your basic needs (such as food, rent, sanitary products or medications), please get in contact with us at PION, Sex workers Interest Organisation in Norway. We are an organisation for and by current and former sex workers, and we are working to find ways to support sex workers who are struggling because of the corona situation.
Information about the corona situation for people selling sex in Norway
The corona situation is hard for everyone, but we know that people selling sex are in a particularly difficult situation now. If you are a sex worker who is now in a situation where you cannot afford to pay for your basic needs (such as food, rent, sanitary products or medications), please get in contact with us at PION, Sex workers Interest Organisation in Norway. We are an organisation for and by current and former sex workers, and we are working to find ways to support sex workers who are struggling because of the corona situation.
If you are in serious economic need, please contact us and tell us a little bit about your situation. We are a small organisation so what we can offer will vary, but we have some emergency resources and might be able to help you out with basic necessities and support. We also offer condoms and lube for anyone. You can get in contact with us through email at or by calling us on +47900 63 558 or +47 917 90 828 or use WhatsApp.
Other important information and numbers:
Services for sex workers:
Because of the corona situation, most of the health and social services for sex workers are closed for visits, but some still offer help in other ways. If you sell sex and want to talk to qualified social workers over the phone, you can contact ProSentret (national service for people selling sex) between 09:00 and 15:00, monday - friday by calling 23 10 02 00 or get in contact through their chat at ProSentret also offer condoms and “emergency packages” with a small supply of food. ProSentret is located at Storgata 11, 0155 Oslo.
You can also talk to social workers over the phone at Nadheim (service for sex workers by the church city mission) between 09:00 and 16:00, Monday through Friday, by calling 22 05 28 80.
For EU citizens who want to return home:
If you are a EU citizen and need help returning to your own country, you can contact Sosial og ambulant akuttjeneste (social emergency services) to receive more information by calling 23 48 70 90.
Information about corona in general:
If you think you are infected with corona, or you are wondering if you need to be in isolation or quarantine, you can call 81 55 50 15 for guidance.
If you want to know more about the corona virus in general, you can find information in many different languages from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health