Advice about preventing COVID-19 when selling or trading sexual services

COVID-19: Guidance for sex workers

Advice about preventing COVID-19 when selling or trading sexual services
This guideline is based on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's template for industry standards in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic (published 13 October 2020). The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Directorate of Health have been involved in the development of this guide.
Below you will find the guideline available in English, Norwegian, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Bulgarian. Polish and Russian
Useful contacts
The organisations listed below assist persons of all genders who sell or trade sexual services in Norway, regardless of their residential status. They offer health and social care services, support counselling, legal advice and guidance. From them, you can also get information about the current infection control regulations and entry conditions, as well as free condoms, lubricant and hand sanitiser.
PION, Sex Workers' Interest Organisation in Norway: Tel.: +47 9006 3558 / WhatsApp or +47 9181 2248 / WhatsApp
Pro Sentret, Oslo: Tel: +47 2310 0200 / WhatsApp: +47 4764 9177 or +47 4767 0542
Albertine, Stavanger: Tel.: +47 9185 8305 / WhatsApp: +47 9185 8305
FRI, Bergen: Tel.: +47 9662 4679 / WhatsApp: +47 9662 4679
Nadheim, Oslo: Oslo: Tel.: +47 2205 2880
Nadheim, Trondheim: Tel: +47 4587 7819 / WhatsApp