Having trouble deleting an ad from an online advertising page?

Do you need to delete your escort ad on the Internet?

PION have been in contact with men and women who sell sex and who for various reasons wish to delete the ad they use.
On occasion you can access your profile and delete the ad. Other times, this does not work and when you try to contact the owners of the ad page, they refuse to remove the ad, or they will never contact you back.
Here's a recipe for how to delete your ads. It's simple, but it takes time. You must therefore be patient and follow all the steps we describe:
1. Try to delete the ad yourself first.
2. If this does not happen, visit the website https://slettmeg.no/
3. At the bottom of the page you will find "contact us". You can call or send e-mail. Slettmeg.no is not always available on the phone, and you must also send them a good deal of information via e-mail. Therefore, it will be easiest for you to just send an email.
4. In the email, be sure to explain the situation (that you have tried to contact the website but without getting a response). Then you send a direct link to the ads and to the pictures. It is important that you send the correct and complete webaddress.
5. Slettmeg.no has a great deal of cases to work with and it can take around one to two weeks until you get an answer. That is why it is important to send the link in the first mail.
6. Slettmeg.no will ask you to contact the website again. Or they will provide you with information on how to contact the owners. If this is not possible, slettmeg.no will provide you with information about other Internet sites with the same owners and contact information on these sites. Contact these.
7. If you do not get a response from the advertisers now, contact slettmeg.no again. Then they will go in to delete your ad. It may take between one to two weeks between each response you receive via email. Therefore, it is important that you follow our description. If any information is missing you must go several more rounds with slettmeg.no and it may take longer than necessary.
If you have further questions about how to delete ads, contact PION on phone / WhatsApp: +47 917 90 828